Monday, July 5, 2010

My Summer Fling

After five years of sitting on the fence, I finally jumped and went to Celtic Fling.  For those of you who are wondering, CF is a weekend long music festival/highland games competition in Lancaster County, PA.  Bands and athletes come from all over and it's one big party for three days.  There are also plenty of vendors who want to sell you expensive gear (kilts, leather goods, pottery etc) in addition to the entertainment.

Dave and I made the drive up on Friday evening, and met up with our friends who had already been there for several hours (and several cocktails).  The plan for Saturday was hatched, off we went to dinner and then bed.

I won't bore you with a blow by blow of the weekend, but suffice to say, the gang you see in the above picture are a great lot to go anywhere with, but especially a music festival.

Dancing, drinking, singing and laughing were the featured activities.