Wednesday, January 12, 2011

No school today due to snow and ice...mostly ice. So we had a pretty casual day.  Took down the Xmas tree, packed up the decorations, vacuumed approximately 4 million pine needles off the rug.  Movies, reading, hanging out.  All in all a very nice day.

One thing that kept running through my head though, was a comment (several actually) made to me  recently.  I was talking about Project333 and how excited I was to be starting this, and she said something along the lines of "oh sure, YOU"LL really be able to do that!  you with all the shoes and how you always need to look nice".  Bear in mind, this person wears sweat pants 90% of the time.

I have discovered that I am really bothered by hearing that people think I'm shallow or materialistic.  I'm neither actually.  I do like looking nice....well dressed, groomed, appropriate.  But I don't crave the latest trend, nor do I spend frivolously.  I tend to buy classics, and keep them forever.  That's why I have a large wardrobe.  Not because I buy randomly, but because I buy well made timeless pieces.  I have always purged the closet at the end of each season, and sometimes at the beginning as well. I don't keep things that don't fit, or are worn out.  But I will keep a particularly sentimental piece now and then.
At any rate, I was rankled by this comment.  I'm not sure exactly why...still working on that.

Here's today's outfit,

Grey Scoop Neck Sweater
Dark Boot Cut Jeans
Black HH Boots

Perfect for Happy Hour with sister and friends. 


  1. Isn't it funny how people think you will suddenly not "look nice" by having a smaller wardrobe? I get a lot of "Oh, I could never do that" type comments. This is round 2 of Project 333 for me. I really enjoy it.

  2. Cheryl, yeah, it is weird to me that people think you have to always wear something 'new' to look nice. Are you finding round 2 easier, or more difficult?
